Friday, 10 July 2015

First Raspberries

Picked a punnet of raspberries yesterday. There's plenty more ripening and more flowers on this year's shoots. Instead of cutting down the raspberry canes during the winter as I was always told, in the Spring I just cut them to about 2 ft and clear out the dead canes which have fruited for two years. (See Pruning raspberries in the sun.) This way I get an early harvest and a later one too.  Also picked a handful of loganberries which are well loaded with ripening berries. Have to watch out for the pigeons which have now devastated the unprotected row of blackcurrants and will be looking for something else to plunder.

Raspberries are just lovely as they are, and I'll make raspberry ice-cream for a delicious treat.

These are the ones that made it to the punnet. Quite a few more straight to my tummy!

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