Thursday 17 September 2015

Autumn harvest

Season of fruitfulness!

All the apple trees and the plums are overloaded with fruit. We haven't yet picked much but we've been busy processing the fallers:

  • Marrow and apple chutney
  • Plum and apple chutney
  • Apple and blackcurrant jam
  • Crab apple jelly

and all kinds blackberry and apple crumble, apple pie, apple meringue, Dorset apple cake and baked apples using the lovely sweet russets.

This year we planted a variety of squashes, marrows and courgettes. We've been harvesting and eating courgettes during the summer and now the squashes are maturing. Squash roast in oil or fat with a dusting of sage, salt and black pepper is always good, or with bacon and squares of brie (or dollops of no-fat quark if you're on a diet). This year we had a new addition to our squash family - a Turks Turban weighing 5lbs.  Last night we roasted this and ate it with a bacon risotto and French beans.

Squashes, marrows and courgettes from our garden
including a 5lbs Turks Turban squash