Sunday, 22 June 2014

Four-spotted chaser

We've been spring-cleaning the conservatory and with the very sunny hot weather the doors and windows have been wide-open. So we've had to rescue quite a few bees and small dragon flies that have strayed in and can't find their way out. But we were surprised to be visited by a much bigger creature. It flew about for a while but we couldn't catch it. Eventually we found it exhausted on the floor. We captured it (clear plastic boxes you get take-aways in work really well because the insects don't see them), took it outside and gave it a drink of sugar water. After a while it took flight and spent some time on the hosta flowers. Later I looked it up on Google and discovered our visitor was a Four-spotted chaser (or Libellula quadrimaculata) - a type of dragonfly. More about dragonflies at The British Dragonfly Society website.

Getting his (or her) strength back resting on a rockery stone)

Four-spotted chaser resting on a hosta flower bud

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