Thursday, 18 July 2013

Hot & dry

We've got a proper summer! Actually I can't remember many summers recently where we have had so many consecutive hot, sunny days. It's 30 C  out there this morning.

Of course we British gardeners always complain about something and now WE WANT RAIN!
All 4 rainwater butts are empty, and the green pipe and spring which produced so much water during last year's official wettest on record   have long since dried up. So it's out with the hose and using tap water - not good because it's got chemicals in, because we're on a meter and because we try to be self-sufficient and using mains water seems like a cop-out.

I don't really care about the flowering plants, although the roses and oleanders are looking a bit droopy, but the vegetables and fruit are starting to produce big-time and need water. Plums and apples in particular will just drop their small fruit if they get thirsty.

There is still some moisture in the soil, thanks to our record-breaking wet winter and spring so hopefully established plants will send out roots to reach what they need.

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