Sunday, 31 January 2021

2021 - A Real Winter!

2020 ended with snow and 2021 has largely followed suit. If it isn't sowing or freezing it's been pouring with rain. The ground is saturated and the green pipe and waterfall have been flowing the fastest we've seen in nearly 15 years here. 

2020 was a year for records - wettest February, hottest summer. Apparently this is the coldest January for 10 years. 

These snowy photos taken on 25th January. 

View from our back door

    Across the veg gardens from the greenhouse

The nets over the Brussels sprouts nearly collapsed with the snow.

All very beautiful, but difficult to get much done. There were some warm spells when I spread compost over the empty beds and did a bit of tidying up.

Planted up some big pots with potatoes - 2 in the greenhouse, 3 in the annexe conservatory, but much too cold to sprout. The pointy cabbages in the greenhouse are coming on slowly and the luttuces are hanging on. The Brussels sprouts, when not covered by snow, are doing really well and had several meals with plenty more  coming on the second planting (nearest the front on the right under the snow!). Also had a few Chantenay carrots from the greenhouse.

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