Tuesday, 31 July 2012

July flowers

We're nearly at the end of July! We've had torrential rain at the start of the month and a week of real hot sunny days and now it's reverted to April showers - yesterday hail! The flowers have been magnificant this year. Everywhere there are plants and bushes in bloom, bigger and more profuse than ever. I love this garden.

Here's some pictures of the garden in July.

Clematis keeps flowering

Pink & purple toadflax. Some people regard them as weeds
but the bees love them and they provide colour and height
throughout the summer. They seed everywhere but it's easy
to pull up the ones you don't want.

Hostas, yellow stone crop and the rockery
Fern garden with pipe waterfall - running for the first time in
2 years thanks to the record rainfall
Self-sown foxgloves are huge and in various colours from purple
through pink to white with purple spots.

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